
Oxfam Novib – Microfinancing

Gelders Forwarding is a proud participant of Oxfam Novib’s Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs Network. This network provides funds to help people in developing countries to start up their own business using a microfinancing approach. These entreprises typically provide a service to a community – tailoring or a food stall – and bring in additional income for a family, usually in poor rural areas.

Oxfam Novib and her local partner organizations use local microfinancing in villages and communities where it is needed the most. Where people are rely on usurers because there are no banks or trustworthy lenders. With microfinancing Oxam Novib uses the principle of a ‘social collatoral’. The entrepreneurs, united in a group, together are bound to repay the loan. Oxfam Novib focuses particularly on young and/or female entrepreneurs that develop products and services that benefit people living in poverty. For more information see


Gelders Forwarding is a sponsor for several smaller charities and programs. We focus on local progams or organizations to which we have a more personal connection.